ITP will officially launch the 5th iStartX Program on Monday morning, December 19, 2016.

Time: 9h00am - 11h30am

Venue: Co-Creation Space (room 111), VNU-HCM Information Technology Park (ITP) - Linh Trung, Thu Duc, HCMC.

iStartX is the incubation program that offers the mindset and skillset related to innovation and product development for startups. Besides, iStartX also supports you to reduce risks and improve the product category as well as make your vision and desire come true.
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Joining iStartX, you will obtain:
- Skills to innovate your product;
- Inspiration from successful mentors and leaders within tech startup community;
- Training activities in professional environment;
- Supporting packages from ITP with total value up to $30,000;
- Opportunity to become Million Dollar Business such as MimosaTek, Kodimo, Color Pencils, Gcall, City Hunt, Magik Labs, Apoup, …

iStartX 5th course is based on LEAN STARTUP MODEL, Learners and Coach will have more integrated activities through the combination of Business Model Canvas, Customer Development and Agile Product Development.

The program is sponsored by HCMC People’s Committee for all tuition fee and technical infrastructure. In addition, ITP will give a great support in working space for learners and recruitment team for more diversified activities.