On 29.03.2016, ITP have a meeting with representative director of SECO Entrepreneurship Program (SECO EP) which is Swiss government funding programs to support entrepreneurship development in developing countries.

Contents of the meeting revolved around the issue of cooperation with ITP and SECO EP to support the development of entrepreneurship in Vietnam.
Mr Nguyen Anh Thi - ITP Director
Mr Le Nhat Quang - Head of Marketing Department
Mr Hub Langstaff - Director SECO EP Program in Vietnam
Mr Mike Ducker – Entrepreneur in Residence, J.E Austin Associates
Ms Nguyen Quynh Anh - Program Manager SECO EP – Vietnam

Participants attended the meeting at ITP

Establish ongoing cooperation between the ITP and SECO EP in Vietnam for efficient, continuous and coordinated cooperation in mentoring activities, incubator/accelerator programmers, and other activities around angel investing and media buzz related to the SECO EP with the aim to enhance and promote the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Vietnam. Specific activities and events will be agreed to on a program by program basis.
Closing the meeting, the two parties have reached the following commitment: share information in the area of entrepreneurship programs and any other identified need; jointly develop of training and workshop activities in the area of entrepreneurship; and provide active feedback and regular exchange on designing and reviewing joint activities. Both parties acknowledge the importance of developing exchange programs, trainings and other forms of cooperation within the Entrepreneurship field in Vietnam.